
湖南省地质灾害调查监测所,长沙 410000


Application of Acoustic Transmission Method in Foundation Pile Detection in Airport Renovation and Expansion Project
YU Ming

Hunan Province Geological Disaster Survey and Monitoring Institute , Changsha 410000, China

Foundation pile detection; Acoustic transmission method; Ultrasonic detector; Foundation pile integrity detection;PSD slope method;Engineering quality

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2024.04.20


In response to the problems of inaccurate defect positioning, low accuracy of detection results, and easy deviation in grading evaluation in traditional foundation pile detection methods,taking the Changsha Airport renovation and expansion project as an example, this paper analyzes the application of acoustic transmission method in foundation pile detection. By combining preliminary detection with the cross-hole acoustic transmission method, the range of foundation pile defects was accurately detected, and detailed information of defects was obtained by utilizing the characteristics of acoustic wave propagation and parameter changes. The PSD slope method was used to quantify abnormal data and improve positioning accuracy. According to acoustic parameter analysis, the integrity of foundation piles was classified and evaluated to guide the construction work and improve engineering quality. The experimental results show that the acoustic transmission method can intuitively determine whether there are defects in the foundation pile and locate the defects. The detection results are intuitive, accurate, and efficient,which improves operation efficiency. The grading evaluation of the foundation pile quality fully meets the requirements of engineering specifications and has a high reference value.