
山东省地震局,济南 250014


Performance and Record Data Coherence Analysis of GL-CS120 and JS-120 Seismometers
WU Shuang,ZHU Chenglin,CUI Huawei,HU Xuhui,WANG Jiemin

Shandong Earthquake Agency , Jinan 250014, China


DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2024.04.07


GL-CS120 and JS-120 very broadband seismometers are widely used in China. They are also used in the new base station of the “National Seismic Intensity and Rapid Reporting and Early Warning Project—Shandong Sub-Project”. However, there are differences in performance and various indicators between the two types of seismometers. In this study,GL-CS120 and JS-120 seismometers were installed on the same base,and the data recorded at identical frequenciesare were compared and analyzed. The dynamic observation range, self-noise of the seismometers, and coherence of data recorded at different periods were subsequently calculated. The results indicate that both types of seismometers exhibit favorable self-noise characteristics. In the same environmental condition, the coherence of data recorded by the two types of seismometers is high in the low frequency range(1–10 s), while differences in coherence are observed in the long period(10-100 s)and high frequency range(>1 Hz),which are significantly influenced by external factors.