
1.云南省地震局,昆明 650224;2.成都师范学院史地与旅游学院,成都 611130


Analysis of Landslide Development Characteristics in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture Considering Historical Earthquake Intensity
LI Sheng1,QING Yuanhua2,ZHUANG Ruxin1,LUO Jiazheng1,DUAN Wei1,XU Yufan1,WEN Wen1

1.Yunnan Earthquake Agency, Kunming 650224, China;2.School of History Geography and Tourism , Chengdu Normal University , Chengdu 611130, China

Landslide;Frequency ratio;Geographic detector;Susceptibility

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2024.02.07


Landslides are well developed in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture, with complex influencing factors and difficult disposal. In this study, the geological hazard survey data were taken as the research object, and the rock stratum,structure,elevation,slope,aspect,and historical earthquake intensity were selected as the six environmental factors. The frequency ratio method was used to identify the dominant areas of each environmental factor, and the hazard susceptibility values were calculated to generate hazard susceptibility grade maps,indicating the areas with high and medium landslide susceptibility in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture.The spatial distribution of landslides was studied by using a geographic detector to quantify the contribution of each environmental factor, and the dominant environmental factor of the landslide was pointed out. Finally, the landslide-induced dynamics is discussed in the light of the rainfall distribution in the study area, and corresponding suggestions for hazard prevention and reduction are put forward based on the research results.