田 平1,2蒋 策1,2陈 瑛1,2梁 明1,2

1.广东省地震局,广州 510070;2.中国地震局地震监测与减灾技术重点实验室,广州 510070


Application of Auto-detection of Microearthquake Based on Template Matched Filter Method in Heyuan M4.3 Earthquake
TIAN Ping1,2,JIANG Ce1,2,CHEN Ying1,2,LIANG Ming1,2

1.Guangdong Earthquake Agency, Guangzhou 510070, China;2.Key Laboratory of Earthquake Monitoring and Disaster Mitigation Technology , CEA , Guangzhou 510070, China

Waveform template matching;Earthquake detection;Earthquake catalog

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2023.04.18


Based on the dense seismic network in the Xinfengjiang Reservoir area of Guangdong, the template matched filter method is used to analyze the seismic waveform in the reservoir area from 2018 to 2019. It is found that there are a large number of unrecorded microearthquake events in the Heyuan area of Xinfengjiang,and the matched filter method is suitable for the microearthquake event detection in Xinfengjiang area. By analyzing the main waveform characteristics of seismic events in this area, the microearthquake template event database in Xinfengjiang area is preliminarily established. The script is used to realize the automatic conversion of seismic event files and seismic templates,so as to meet the requirements of real-time expansion of seismic template database in Xinfengjiang area. With the help of the waveform export function of JOPENS, the automatic preprocessing of continuous seismic waveform files is realized, which basically meets the requirements of the automatic detection function based on the match and locate method,and can be applied to the improvement of the earthquake catalog completeness.