
1.广州南粤地震工程勘察有限公司,广州 510070;2.广东省地震局,广州 510070


Characteristics of Post-sequences of Earthquakes with M≥3 in Xinfengjiang Area
WANG Yimi1,CHEN Daqing2,ZHONG Tianren2

1.Guangzhou Nanyue Seismic Engineering Surveys Co.,Ltd,Guangzhou 510070,China;2.Guangdong Earthquake Agency , Guangzhou 510070, China

Earthquakes with M≥3 in Xinfengjiang area; Secondary earthquake; Omori formula

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2023.04.10


In recent years, there have been frequent felt earthquakes in Xinfengjiang area. In order to meet the needs of post-earthquake emergency response,this paper analyzes the characteristics of post-earthquake sequences of earthquakes with M≥3 in this area since 1980. The conclusions are as follows:only one earthquake larger than the mainshock occurred within 30 days after 40 earthquakes with M≥3 in this area, and the attenuation time of aftershocks is much shorter than the time window given by the K-K method. According to the Omori formula of aftershock attenuation,the p value in Xinfengjiang area is high. These laws obtained by statistics and fitted curves can provide a basis for rapid preliminary judgment of the characteristics of aftershocks sequence after the earthquake