
1.福建省地震局,福州 350000;2.福建省地震局平潭地震台,福建 平潭 350400


Microseismic Detection and Location of the MS6.2 Earthquake in Taiwan Strait and Its Seismogenic Fault
HU Shufang1,LI Jun1,LI Qiang1,XU Zhendong2

1.Fujian Earthquake Agency , Fuzhou 350000, China;2.Pingtan Seismic Station , Fujian Earthquake Agency , Pingtan 350400, China

Taiwan Strait MS6.2 earthquake; Match and locate; Microseismic detection and location;Completeness of catalogs;Seismogenic fault

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2022.03.01


Based on template matching and localization(M&L), the paper detects and locates the missed earthquakes in the Taiwan Strait MS6.2 earthquake on November 26th, 2018. This paper chooses 10 aftershocks with ML>3.0 as the templates and detects continuous waveforms one day before the earthquake and one year after the earthquake. As of November 26th, 2019, the Fujian seismic network recorded 183 earthquakes, and finally detected 750 missing earthquakes after M&L method detection, which was about 4 times of the catalogue of the Fujian seismic network. No foreshocks were found,and the minimum magnitude of completeness was reduced from ML2.4 to ML1.9. The improvement of the completeness of the earthquake catalogue provides data base for studying the earthquake sequence activity and determining the seismogenic fault. The spatial distribution of earthquakes after detection and location is dominantly distributed along the east-west direction, but there is no specific identified fault structure corresponding to it. Because the earthquake area is located in the southern waters of the Taiwan Strait, and combined with the focal mechanism of the mainshock, it cannot be ruled out that there are undiscovered east-west fault structures in this area.