
广东省地震局,广州 510070


Development of Station Site Response Software Based on Spectral Ratio Method
TANG Yaowei,GAO Liang,DENG YuanLi,CHEN Ying,GONG Xuan,ZENG Xiaoyan

Guangdong Earthquake Agency , Guangzhou 510070, China

Keyword:Matlabplatform;Spectrum ratios method ;Mobil station ;Site response;Batch processing;

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2022.02.02


Abstraction:Based on the calculation method of the site response spectrum ratio method,this paper develops the calculation software of site response under the Matlab platform. The software can directly reads the seismic sac data records,instrument parameter files of the station,and the corresponding seismic phase files in batches,realizes batch processing of a large number of seismic records for the seismic network stations, and outputs the site response value based on the spectral ratio method. The software uses relevant controls to optimize the user's data processing process,which is simple and convenient to operate. It can be used for site response calculation of new fixed stations,as well as for site response calculation of mobile station in earthquake emergency period,and has certain application value.