
广东省地震局,广州 510070


Discussion on the Success and Failure of Earthquake Prediction
WEI Bolin

Guangdong Earthquake Agency, Guangzhou 510070, China

Earthquake prediction;Earthquake forecast;Seismic network;Earthquake precursors;Forecast ideas

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2021.04.20



The complexity of the seismic process, the inaccessibility of the crustal depth, and the small probability of seismic events make earthquake prediction an unsolved world problem. Based on the review of earthquake processing events in Guangdong and its adjacent areas, as well as the analysis of the examples of the success and failure of earthquake prediction in China, this paper briefly describes the difficulties and problems that need to be solved in earthquake prediction in China,and points out that earthquake prediction cannot achieve accurate three-element prediction at present or for a long time. However, the inaccurate earthquake prediction should be the goal of earthquake workers,and need of society. We must adhere to the road of earthquake prediction with Chinese characteristics.
