
(1. 广东省珠海工程勘察院,广东 珠海,519002;2. 广西壮族自治区地震局,南宁,530022)


Database Construction of the Seismogenic Structure Study of Lingshan 6(3/4) Earthquake in Guangxi in 1936
PAN Lili1,2,LI Xiguang2

(1. Guangdong Zhuhai Engineering Exploration Institute,Zhuhai 519002,China; 2. Earthquake Agency of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Nanning 530022,China)

Lingshan 6(3/4) earthquake in 1936;Active faults database;Special database;Professional database;Data storage

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2021.01.07



The database of the seismogenic structure study of Lingshan(Guangxi) 6(3/4) earthquake in 1936 has gathered all the data and productions in the periods of data collection and preparation,field exploration,and the indoor analysis and mapping. It includes 12 thematic databases and one professional database,and contains all the origin data of the work on the seismogenic structure study and achievement such as geological survey,geophysical explorations(deep and shallow),trench exploration,identification of faults activity,geological mapping,remote sensing image interpretation,coupling of deep and shallow structures,stratigraphic chronology,seismic risk assessment and so on. This paper briefly introduces the database construction of the seismogenic structure study in Lingshan earthquake region in some aspects,such as database design,data storage,data quality inspection,professional database integration and data symbolization mapping,which can be used as a reference for other urban active fault detection and database construction of related research.