
(广东省地震局,广州 510070)


Analysis and Guidance of Network Public Opinion of the Beiliu-Huazhou MS5.2 Earthquake in the Junction of Guangxi and Guangdong
HE Ping

(Guangdong Earthquake Agency , Guangzhou 510070 , China)

Earthquake; New Media; Emergency popularization of science;Network public opinion guidance

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2020.02.09



In recent years,the rapid development of new network media has brought great pressure and challenges to the post-earthquake science popularization,emergency rescue and others. How to guide the network public opinion after the earthquake has become serious problems that must be faced and solved in the earthquake emergency period. By analyzing and studying on all kinds of public opinion information after the Beiliu-Huazhou MS5.2 earthquake in the junction of Guangxi and Guangdong,this paper summarizes the experiences and gives some inspiration on public opinion guidance and disposal for the future.