TANG Lanrong,ZENG Xinfu,XU Zhishan,et al.Missing Earthquakes Detection and Integrity Analysis of Earthquake Catalogue in Xunwu and Its Adjacent Area[J].,2024,(02):1-7.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2024.02.01]
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- Title:
Missing Earthquakes Detection and Integrity Analysis of Earthquake Catalogue in Xunwu and Its Adjacent Area
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
汤兰荣1; 曾新福1; 许志山1; 陈江贻1; 万祺薇1; 罗 丽1; 段莉莉2
1.江西省地震局,南昌 330096;2.哈尔滨市应急救援保障中心,哈尔滨 150028
- Author(s):
TANG Lanrong1; ZENG Xinfu1; XU Zhishan1; CHEN Jiangyi1; WAN qiwei1; LUO Li1; DUAN Lili2
1.Jiangxi Earthquake Agency , Nanchang 330096, China;2.Harbin Emergency Rescue Support Center , Harbin 150028, China
- 关键词:
寻乌及邻区; 遗漏地震检测; 模板匹配; b值; 前兆震群识别
- Keywords:
Xunwu and its adjacent area; Missing earthquakes detection; Template matching; b value; Identification of precursor earthquake swarms
- 分类号:
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Using the matched filtering technology to detect the missing earthquake events in Xunwu and its adjacent area from January 2009 to December 2020,a total of 306 missing earthquakes were detected,which is about 40 % of the network catalog,and the catalog integrity of earthquakes below ML1.5 has been significantly improved. The b value changes from 0.885 to 0.917 after adding missed earthquakes. The 36, 15 and 8 missing earthquakes were detected in Xunwu, Pingyuan and Anyuan earthquake swarms in the region, which are about 1/2,1/3 and 1/5 of the original earthquake swarm catalogue, and the proportion of missing earthquakes is closely related to the number of template earthquakes. The determination result of the ρ value of the Xunwu earthquake swarm changes from non-precursor to precursor after the supplementing the missing earthquakes, indicating that the missing earthquakes detection has an important influence on the identification of precursory earthquake swarm.
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