[1]叶 浩,周 云,房艳国,等.鹤庆—剑川地区岩溶发育特征及其控制因素[J].华南地震,2021,41(02):19-26.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2021.02.03
YE Hao,ZHOU Yun,FANG Yanguo,et al.The Development Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Heqing-Jianchuan Karst[J].,2021,41(02):19-26.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2021.02.03
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
The Development Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Heqing-Jianchuan Karst
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
叶 浩1; 周 云1; 房艳国1; 罗文行1; 吴海斌2; 翁文林2; 付兴伟2
(1.长江勘测规划设计研究有限责任公司,武汉 430010;2. 中国长江三峡集团有限公司,北京 100038)
- Author(s):
YE Hao1; ZHOU Yun1; FANG Yanguo1; LUO Wenxing1; WU Haibin2; WENG Wenlin2; FU Xingwei2
(1.Changjiang Survey,Planning,Design and Research Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan 430010,China;2.China Three Gorges Corporation Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100038,China)
- 关键词:
鹤庆—剑川盆地; 岩溶系统; 碳酸盐岩; 构造活动
- Keywords:
Heqing-Jianchuan basin; Karst system; Carbonate rock; Tectonic movement
- 分类号:
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Carbonate karst is extremely developed in Heqing-Jianchuan area of central Yunnan province,and its spatial distribution is wide,which is mainly composed of continuous pure carbonate karst layer groups. The karst morphology is various,including the dissolution plains,dissolved mound valleys,karst hills and depressions and so on. The Heqing-Jianchuan karst system in central Yunnan is characterized by the distribution along the fault strike, and the karst development along the fault,the axis of the fold and the structural fissure is obviously larger. Combined with the regional geological background,the study concluded that the development of the karst system in Heqing-Jianchuan area is mainly controlled by the influence of the material foundation(soluble rocks)and the regional tectonic activities. The continuous pure carbonate-type karst layer group provides a good material basis for regional karstification. On the one hand,the impact of tectonic activities on the karst system includes a series of faults and folds generated by tectonic activities, including tectonic fractures in the same period,which enhances the fluid migration and flow capacity and the specific surface area of fluid-rock contact. On the other hand,the tectonic movement since the Cenozoic has caused continuous structural uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which has changed the geographical and climatic environment in the region,especially precipitation and vegetation development, which is also one of the important factors for the development of karst systems.
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- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:叶浩(1986- ),男,博士,高级工程师,主要从事区域构造研究。E-mail:yehao1986@qq.com.
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