BAO Ziwen,HONG Dequan,WANG Xiaoli,et al.Characteristic of Seismic Activities in the Southern North China[J].,2019,39(03):42-48.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2019.03.006]
- 卷:
- 期数:
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- 出版日期:
- Title:
Characteristic of Seismic Activities in the Southern North China
- 作者:
鲍子文; 洪德全; 汪小厉; 李玲利
安徽省地震局,合肥 230031
- Author(s):
BAO Ziwen; HONG Dequan; WANG Xiaoli; LI Lingli
Anhui Earthquake Agency,Hefei 230031,China
- 关键词:
南华北; 秦岭大别; 青藏高原; 强震影响
- Keywords:
The Southern North China; Qinling-Dabie; Tibet Plateau; Influence from large earthquakes
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The Southern North China basin and Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt coupled structurally,and show the similar seismic activities level. In this paper, some effort was exerted to investigate the seismicity characteristic of the Southern North China,which comprises the Southern North China Basin and Qinling-Dabie Orogenic belt, and then some analogical analysis has been done to research the affinity between the large earthquakes with M≥7.0 in Tibet Plateau area and the middle earthquakes with M≥4.0 in Southern North China. The result shows that the seismicity level of Southern North China is markedly lower than the Northern North China,and slightly lower than that of the lower Yangtze block. And the earthquakes in Southern North China always correspond to the earthquakes in group in Tibet Plateau with a lag of approximate 2 years. The correspondence of the earthquakes of two areas indicates that the relationship of two areas exists through transmitting of tectonic stress field. In the other words, the large earthquakes in Tibet Plateau have significant indicative significance to following middle earthquakes in Southern North China. So much attention must be payed to possibility of middle earthquake in Southern North China because of the occurrence of Jiuzhaigou MS7.0 earthquake.
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