
1.中国电力工程顾问集团中电海洋能源工程技术研究院,广州 510000;2.中国电力工程顾问集团中南电力设计院有限公司,武汉 430071;3.广州大学工程抗震研究中心,广州 510405


Design of a New Plate Frame Steel Type Patform and Its Dynamic Response Analysis Under Wind-Wave-Current Coupling Effect
JIANG Shang1,ZHU Dong2,LIU Yanhui3,MA Ling1,GAO Zhan2

1.China Power Offshore Energy Engineering and Technology Research Institute , Guangzhou 510000, China ;2.Central Southern China Electric Power Design Institute , Wuhan 430071, China;3.Earthquake Engineering Research and Test Center , Guangzhou University , Guangzhou 510405, China

Plate frame type steel platform;Wind loads;Wave loads;Coupling effect

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2024.04.17


Due to fact the problem of large proportion by weight and low space utilization of offshore steel platform, a new plate frame type steel platform was proposed. The three-dimensional finite element model of plate frame type steel platform was established based on ANSYS finite element software, and the dynamic response law of displacement and acceleration of the platform under wind-wave-current coupling effect are simulated. The results show that the maximum displacement of the top of the structure is observed when the incidence angle of the wave is 90° and the phase angle is 81°. The incident angle of the load has a significant impact on the displacement and acceleration responses of the plate frame type steel platform. When the load direction aligns with the weak axis of the structure, the responses of the displacement and acceleration of the structure increase substantially. The research has certain reference significance for the design and dynamic analysis of plate frame type steel platform.