
江苏省地震局震灾风险防治中心,南京 210014


Influence of Adjustment in Potential Seismic Sources of Coastal Areas of Northern Jiangsu Province on Seismic Risk Assessment
TAO Xiaosan,LI Xibing,PENG Xiaobo,XUE Yingying

Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction Center,Jiangsu Earthquake Agency, Nanjing 210014, China

Coastal area of northern Jiangsu Province; Potential seismic source; Seismic risk; Ground motion parameter

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2024.04.13


Seismic risk source exploration was carried out continuously in Jiangsu Province. The potential seismic sources in coastal areas of northern Jiangsu Province have undergone great adjustments, which will have a direct impact on the seismic risk assessment and seismic fortification requirements of major construction projects in the areas. In order to evaluate the influence of adjustment in potential seismic sources on seismic risk in coastal areas of northern Jiangsu Province,this paper used the conventional probability seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) method to analyze the bedrock peak acceleration, response spectrum of site bedrock, and basic ground motion parameter zoning under average site conditions. The results show that the peak acceleration in the changed potential seismic sources has increased significantly, and the maximum increase along the profile reaches 27%, mainly in Yancheng potential seismic source, Dongtai potential seismic source, and Haian potential seismic source. The contribution of changed potential seismic sources to the peak acceleration increases significantly,showing the main contributors. However, the contribution of potential seismic sources to the peak acceleration in the long term part mainly comes from the nearby high-risk Yaosha potential seismic source, and there is no significant change. Compared with the fifth-generation ground motion parameter zoning map,the basic ground motion parameter zoning under average site conditions has a large change in Yancheng region of the coastal areas of northern Jiangsu Province. The main Yancheng City is adjusted from 0.10 g to 0.15 g,and the Jianhu City is adjusted from 0.05 g to 0.10 g,with the rest areas changing slightly.