
1.湖南省地震局,长沙 410004;2.广东省地震局,广州 510070


Risk Analysis in Earthquake Disaster Risk Survey Based on Interpolation
SHAO Lei1,SHENG Qiang2

1.Hunan Earthquake Agency , Changsha,410004, China;2.Guangdong Earthquake Agency , Guangzhou,510070, China

Earthquake disaster risk survey;Seismic risk analysis;Interpolation method;Error analysis;Scale coefficient

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2024.04.11


By using kriging, inverse distance weighting, spline function, and natural neighbor interpolation methods based on ArcGIS,the peak ground acceleration and the response spectra at periods of 0.2 s,1.0 s,2.0 s, and 6.0 s were interpolated for 30″ to 6″ grid cells in Changde area. The results show that the error ranges of all interpolation methods are small and highly concentrated. Kriging and spline function methods are superior in terms of error control. By comparing the Kriging interpolation errors of different grid sizes,it is shown that the selection of grid scale for interpolation needs to be demonstrated. This paper compares the interpolation efficiency of Kriging and spline function methods. When the sample size is large, Kriging takes a long time to estimate the semi-variance function, while the deterministic spline function method calculates quickly. Comprehensive analysis was conducted by using spline function interpolation to obtain the seismic risk analysis results of bedrock of the 6″ grid in Hunan Province, and the peak ground acceleration was adjusted to different sites according to the code requirements. The scale coefficient of peak ground acceleration of different sites under different probability of exceedance levels in Hunan Province was further discussed, and compared with the results of the zonation map. The results show that except for a few regions,the peak ground acceleration of frequent ground motion is less than one-third of the basis ground motion,and the ratio of rare ground motion to that of basis ground motion is basically consistent with the results of the zonation map. However, very rare ground motion may be underestimated in a certain range. The results of seismic risk classification show that the overall risk level in Hunan Province is not high,and the highest grade is medium-to-high(level 2).