
1.安徽省地震局,合肥 230031;2.蒙城地球物理国家野外科学观测研究站,合肥 230031


Hydrochemical Characteristics of Huoshan Well 33 in Anhui Province
LI Jun1,1,2,LI Junhui1,2,PEI Hongyun1,ZHOU Dongrui2

1.Anhui Earthquake Agency, Hefei 230031, China;2.Mengcheng National Geophysical Observatory , Mengcheng 230031, China

Huoshan Well 33;Hydrochemical characteristics;Ion concentrations

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2024.02.02


The ion detection results of 13 water samples from the Huoshan Well 33 in Anhui Province from 2021 to 2023 were analyzed by using the piper plot and main ion correlation methods. The results show that the chemical type of groundwater in this well is HCO3-SO4-Ca-Mg type water,and the main ions in the water are HCO3−,Ca2+, and Mg2+. As the well water is confined water, with a large burial depth, long run off supply path, and strong dissolution and filtration,the ion concentration of the well water is higher than that of surface water. The hydrogen and oxygen isotope results indicate that the well water is mainly recharged by atmospheric rainfall. The ion concentration time series shows that before and after the Huoshan M3.0 earthquake on October 10th, 2022, the Ca2+and Mg2+ concentrations increased, and the SO42−and Cl−concentrations decreased during the ion detection from July to August,2022. After the earthquake,they returned to normal background values,which may reflect the earthquake preparation process.