
1.北京市市政工程设计研究总院有限公司,北京 100082;2.上海大学力学与工程科学学院,上海 200444


Effect of Fiber Content on Shear Characteristics of Granite Residual Soil
FU Dongping1,ZHANG Hong1,LIN Chunxiu1,ZHANG Xinya2

1.Beijing General Municipal Engineering Design&Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100082, China ;2.School of Mechanics and Engineering Science , Shanghai University , Shanghai 200444, China

Fiber reinforced soil; Polypropylene fiber; Interface between geogrid and soil; Direct shear test;Shear strength

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2024.01.19


In order to investigate the shear characteristics of the residual soil under different fiber content,direct shear tests were carried out on the residual soil by using pneumatic direct shear apparatus. Considering fiber content, shear rate, vertical stress and other factors, the effect of fiber content on the shear characteristics of residual soil under different shear rates and vertical stresses is analyzed. The test results show that when the vertical stress is 300 kPa, compared with the undoped fiber, with the fiber content increase from 0 to 0.3%, 0.6% and 0.9%, shear strength increases by 23%, 46.1% and 79.2%, respectively, that is, the addition of fiber has a significant enhancement effect on the shear strength of granite residual soil. The internal friction angle increases with the increase of fiber content,and the cohesion decreases significantly with the increase of fiber content. Under low vertical stress, the soil is first dilatational and then shrunken, and under high vertical stress, the soil is shrunken constantly. In the case of low-speed shear, the shear rate has little effect on the shear strength characteristics of granite residual soil. The degree of shear expansion increases with increasing shear rate.