Effect of Moisture Content on the Shear Characteristics of the Interface Between Residual Soil and Geotextile
FENG Min1,SONG Wenjie2
1.Shanghai Pudong Architectural Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201204,China;2.School of Mechanics and Engineering Science , Shanghai University , Shanghai 200444, China
In order to investigate the shear characteristics of the interface between residual soil and geotextile under different influence factors,the direct shear tests were carried out on the residual soil samples reinforced with geotextile by using pneumatic direct shear apparatus. Considering moisture content, shear rate, vertical stress and other factors, the effect of moisture content on the shear characteristics of the interface between residual soil and geotextile under different shear rates and vertical stresses is analyzed. The test results show that the shear strength of the reinforced soil interface is proportional to the vertical stress under the same moisture content, and when the moisture content is 17%, the shear strength of the vertical stress of 50 kPa increases from 53 kPa to 84 kPa(100 kPa)and 151 kPa(200 kPa),respectively. With the increase of moisture content, the apparent cohesion and shear strength of the reinforced soil interface decrease significantly, but the friction angle of the soil interface has no obvious change. The shear rate mainly affects the friction angle of the reinforced soil interface,and the shear strength of the reinforced soil interface increases with the increase of shear rate. In the case of high shear rate and low moisture content, the shear shrinkage of the interface is relieved after reaching a certain shear displacement,and finally tends to be stable.
土体含水率同时对筋土界面的似黏聚力与界面摩擦角有影响。此剪切强度符合摩尔库伦定律,即τ=σ tan φ+c(其中, τ为抗剪强度, φ为内摩擦角,c为黏聚力)。图6为最大剪切应力与竖向应力关系曲线。同一含水率情况下三点可连成一条直线;不同含水率下三条直线斜率近似相同。通过线性拟合得出斜率和截距。界面摩擦角、似黏聚力和含水率的关系曲线如图7所示,随着含水率的增加,似黏聚力显著降低,而界面摩擦角并没有太大的变化。分析原因可知,土体含水率的增加,加大了筋土界面间的润滑作用,从而降低了筋土界面间的摩擦和抗剪强度[18-21]。
图4 最大剪切应力三维图Fig.4 Three-dimensional diagram of the maximum shear stress
图5 最大竖向位移三维图Fig.5 Three-dimensional diagram of the maximum vertical displacement
图6 最大剪切应力与竖向应力曲线Fig.6 Curves of the maximum shear stress and vertical stress