
河南省地震局,郑州 450018


Site Survey and Environmental Test of Lushi Geomagnetic Basic Station
XIE Jiaxing,HOU Bowen,LIU Qinghua,LU Zhonghui,ZHI Hongkui

Henan Earthquake Agency , Zhengzhou 450018, China

Geomagnetic observation;Cave observation;Site selection;Environmental testing;Shielding effect

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2024.01.08


The site selection and environmental investigation of Xiaolingkou Cave site in Xujiawan Township, Qingshan Village site in Hengjian Township and Duanjia Village site were carried out, and the dense span and environmental noise test of Xiaolingkou Cave and Duanjia Village site in Xujiawan Township were carried out. The results show that the observation of environmental noise in the cave is better than that outside the cave;compared with the same period the data, there is 8.19 % shielding effect in the cave. It is considered that the cave is in a stable state and has fewer interference sources because of its special closed environment. The environmental noise is better than that outside the cave. However,there is a certain shielding effect on geomagnetic observation,and it is impossible to feedback the magnetic field change more accurately. Therefore,it is not suitable for the requirements of geomagnetic observation site. Finally, the proposed site of Duanjia Village is determined as the final construction site of Lushi geomagnetic basic station.