
广东省地震局,广州 510070


Comparative Analysis of Coseismic Effects of the Sanshui M3.2 and Heyuan M4.3 Earthquakes on February 5th and 11th,2023 in Guangdong Region
CHEN Guimei,TAN Zhengguang,LIU Jin,WANG Xiaona

Guangdong Earthquake Agency , Guangzhou 510070, China

Sanshui M3.2 earthquake;Heyuan M4.3 earthquake;Geophysical observation;Coseismic effect

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2023.04.19


The M3.2 and M4.3 earthquakes occurred successively in Sanshui and Heyuan of Guangdong Province on February 5th and 11th,2023. After the earthquakes,it was found that the gravity,partial ground tilt and water level in Guangdong region recorded the coseismic response wave or water shock wave. This paper analyzes the manifestation and characteristics of the coseismic wave of the observation data of ground deformation and underground fluid. From the record curves of each instrument, it can be seen that the normal observation form before the earthquake can be quickly restored after the co-seismic response, which proves the stability and reliability of the operation of geophysical observation equipment in the province. Through the analysis of the seismic response and recording ability of each observation instrument, it is expected to be helpful to further study the influence of these two earthquakes on the future seismic trend in Guangdong Province.