
广东省地震局,广州 510070


Emergency Response and Analysis of the Foshan M3.2 Earth⁃quake and Heyuan M4.3 Earthquake in Guangdong
WANG Ting,LI Puchun,CHEN Xiuwu,HUANG Enzhao,JIN Shihong

Guangdong Earthquake Agency , Guangzhou 510070, China

Foshan M3.2 Earthquake;Heyuan M4.3 Earthquake;Earthquake disaster;Emergency response

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2023.04.13


The emergency response work of Foshan M3.2 earthquake and Heyuan M4.3 earthquake in Guangdong province are a comprehensive test of the effectiveness of the earthquake prevention and disaster reduction work of the provincial and municipal earthquake departments. Under the strong leadership of the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the China Earthquake Administration, and the joint efforts of the city and district earthquake relief headquarters and member units,the emergency response work of the two earthquakes has been carried out efficiently and orderly, and some results have been achieved. Through a comprehensive summary and analysis of the problems and deficiencies in the emergency response work, this paper puts forward targeted optimization and improvement suggestions, and provides experience and reference for the future earthquake emergency response work.