
广东省地质环境监测总站,广州 510510


Application of Fuzzy Mathematics in Post-evaluation of Landslide Treatment Project
QIU Huiling,LONG Wenhua,QING Zhanhui

Guangdong Geological Environment Monitoring Station , Guangzhou 510510, China

Landslide;Geological disaster management;Post-evaluation;Fuzzy mathematics

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2023.04.10


On the basis of analyzing the influencing factors of landslide treatment project, the post-evaluation of landslide treatment project is carried out by using fuzzy mathematics approximate reasoning and maximum membership principle. The evaluation results are consistent with the actual treatment effect, which can provide reference for the government and decision-making management departments to manage geological disaster prevention and control work, and has important practical significance to evaluate the effect of geological disaster treatment.