
广东省地质调查院,广州 510080


Study on 40Ar-39Ar Geochronology and Deformation Stages of Luofushan Fault in Guangdong Province
XU Guanjun,HE Bin,YANG Weibin,LONG Gui

Guangdong Geological Survey Institute , Guangzhou 510080, China

Luofushan fault;40Ar-39Ar geochronology;Deformation stages

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2023.03.15


The characteristics of early ductile deformation and late brittle deformation of the Luofushan fault in Guangdong have been determined, and many qualitative studies have been done on the deformation stages. In order to study the active periods of the Luofushan fault more accurately,the 40Ar-39Ar isotopic dating of Muscovite single minerals in the ductile shear zone shows that the plateau age is 135.08±0.61 Ma. The results show that there was an important ductile shear deformation event in the Luofushan fault in Guangdong in the Early Cretaceous. Based on the previous research results,the active periods can be divided into four stages: Middle Jurassic ductile shear deformation stage, Early Cretaceous ductile shear deformation stage, Late Cretaceous brittle normal fault stage, silicification stage and Palaeogene-Quaternary silicification stage and continuous brittle normal fault deformation stage.