
广东省地震局,广州 510070


Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Based on Seismic Disaster Risk Survey—a Case Study of Conghua District
LI Chong,GAO Huailong,HE Ping,LU Banghua,WEN Zegang

Guangdong Earthquake Agency , Guangzhou 510070, China

Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis; Potential source area; Peak ground acceleration; Conghua District

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2023.02.06


In order to determine the applicability of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis method in the investigation and assessment of earthquake disaster risk, based on the information provided by the China Ground Motion Parameter Zoning Map(GB18306-2015), the potential source area division, seismicity parameters and ground motion attenuation relationship around the Conghua district are given. Based on the seismic disaster risk census data, the seismic hazard analysis of Conghua District is carried out by using the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis(CPSHA)method. Several potential seismic source areas and their contribution values are determined,which mainly contribute to the peak ground acceleration in Conghua District. The PGA distributions of 63 % , 10 %, 2 % exceedance probability in the next 50 years and 1 % exceedance probability in the next 100 years in Conghua District are calculated. Based on the GIS platform, the distribution maps of peak ground acceleration of bedrock and surface under four probabilities in Conghua District are drawn. The results show the potential seismic source areas,including background sources(17),Guangzhou,Fogang,Heyuan,Dangan Island,Zhuhai and Dongguan, contribute mainly to the PGA in the calculation area. The distribution of ground motion with 50-year exceedance probability of 10 % is high in the middle and low on both sides