
广东省地震局,广州 5100701


Analysis on Intensity Characteristics of Cross-fault Deformation Anomaly in Eastern Guangdong
GAO Huailong,LI Chong,LIAO Guijin,SHAN Heqiu

Guangdong Earthquake Agency , Guangzhou 510070, China

Eastern Guangdong;Cross-fault deformation;Intensity of deformation anomaly;Precursory anomaly

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2023.02.05


The cross-fault deformation data of "Rongjiang fault" and "Bomei-Chao'an-Sanrao fault" in eastern Guangdong were sorted out. On the basis of the cumulative deformation trend, the deformation rate processing method is further improved, and the abnormal intensity value of cross-fault deformation is calculated and normalized. The abnormal intensity index of deformation is introduced into the processing and analysis of flow cross-fault measurement data,which is applied to the abnormal auxiliary identification of cross-fault deformation curve, and the comparative study is carried out with the earthquake cases in eastern Guangdong. It is found that earthquakes in eastern Guangdong occur frequently in the period of high abnormal intensity or decrease from high, which has certain indicative significance for earthquake precursor identification in eastern Guangdong.