


Correlation Between Large Eruptions in the Western Pacific Volcanic Belt and Strong Earthquakes in Eastern China
DIAO Shouzhong,LI Xia,WANG Zhicai,CUI Huawei

Shandong Earthquake Agency , Jinan 250014, China

Western Pacific volcanic belt; Large eruptions; Eastern China; Strong earthquake cluster;“Whistle”

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2023.02.01


The correlation between the large volcanic eruptions with VEI≥5 in the western Pacific volcanic belt since 1586 and strong earthquakes with M≥6 in the eastern China was analyzed. The results show that with the large eruption of the western Pacific volcanic belt, the strong earthquake clustering in eastern China generally lags behind half a year to five years, and after the continuous large eruption of the volcano, there may be a climax of strong seismicity or an increase in time and frequency of cluster activity in eastern China. The quiet period of strong earthquakes is generally in the volcanic interval, and the longest quiet period of strong earthquakes is synchronized with the longest volcanic interval. It is believed that the large eruption-intermittent activity of the volcano shows the rhythmic activity process of the related plate movement and the micro-dynamic(about 10-20 years scale)of the upper mantle thermal convection in the western Pacific volcanic belt, which may be the “ metronome ” of the rhythmic activity of strong earthquakes in eastern China. The large eruption of the western Pacific volcanic belt is the alarm “whistle” of the strong earthquake cluster activity in eastern China, rather than “trigger” or“induce” the strong earthquake cluster activity in eastern China. The prediction method of strong earthquake cluster activity after the large eruption of volcanic belt is explored, and the trend of strong seismicity in eastern China after the Tonga VEI 5 volcanic eruption on January 15th,2022 is estimated.