
1.广东省建筑设计研究院有限公司,广州 510010;2.华南理工大学土木与交通学院,广州 510641


Optimization Analysis of Section and Shape of Truss Structures Based on Improved Plant Growth Simulation Algorithm
LIN Jinlong1,2,SHI Kairong3,JIANG Zhengrong3

1.Guangdong Architectural Design&2.Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510010,China;3.School of Civil Engineering and Transportation , South China University of Technology , Guangzhou 510641, China

Plant growth simulation algorithm;Truss;Section optimization;Shape optimization

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2023.01.03


Aiming at the optimization of truss structures, the optimal model of improved simulated plant growth algorithm GSL&PS-PGSA is given, and is used to analyze the section optimization problem of typical plan truss and shape optimization problem of typical space truss. The results show that the optimization effect of the improved GSL&PS-PGSA is remarkable, and the optimized structures are economical and efficient; for the section optimization of plan truss, compared with the structures obtained by the two-level optimization method, relative difference quotient method and continuous variable method,the steel consumption of the structure obtained by the improved GSL&PS-PGSA is reduced by 8% to 15%; for the optimization of space truss, the total mass of the optimized structure by section optimization is about 8.1% and 3.6% lighter than that of sequential two-level algorithm and ant colony algorithm respectively,while the total mass of the optimized structure by shape optimization of the same initial structure is about 31.2% and 22.4% lighter than that of sequential two-level algorithm and ant colony algorithm respectively. Thus,the improved GSL&PS-PGSA has good applicability to the optimization problem of truss structure.