
福建省地震局,福州 350000


Application of Focal Mechanism Consistency Parameter Method in Taiwan Area
HU Shufang,YUAN Liwen,LI Qiang,HUANG Yandan

Fujian Earthquake Agency , Fuzhou 350000, China

Focal mechanism solution;Variance parameters;Misfit angle;Earthquakes with MS≥6.0

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2022.04.18


Based on the focal mechanism solution data of 568 earthquakes with MW≥4.5 in Taiwan from 1977 to 2022, the spatial distribution of the consistency parameter stress tensor variance and the time series variation characteristics of the Misfit angle were inverted. Combining with the study of historical earthquake cases in Taiwan, it is shown that most of the earthquakes with MS≥6.0 in Taiwan occur in the low-value area or the transition area between high and low values of the stress tensor variance,and the earthquake occurrence time is mostly a few days to several years when the Misfit angle≤40°. In addition, this method has passed the R value test in the east of central mountain range of Taiwan,and the best prediction time is 150 days. Therefore,it can be recommended for medium-term prediction indicators for earthquake tracking in the east of central mountain range of Taiwan.