
1.江西省地震局,南昌 330096;2.福建省地震局,福州 350003


Dynamic Coulomb Failure Stress Analysis of Fuzhou Small Earthquake Swarm Caused by Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan Province
DONG Feifei1,YUAN Liwen2,DENG Hui1

1.Jiangxi Earthquake Agency , Nanchang 330096, China;2.Fujian Earthquake Agency , Fuzhou 350003, China

Chi-Chi MS7.6 earthquake in Taiwan Province;Fuzhou ML3.8 earthquake;East of the southeast coast;Dynamic Coulomb fracture stress

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2022.04.08


In this paper, according to Coulomb fracture criterion, the discrete wave number method is used to calculate the dynamic Coulomb stress variation of the 1999 Chi-Chi MS7.6 earthquake in Taiwan on Fuzhou ML3.8 earthquake. The results show that the stress change value exceeds the trigger threshold at 105.1,114.51,116.08 and 127.84 seconds after the earthquake, and the maximum value is about 0.74 MPa at 116.08 seconds, which shows that the Chi-Chi MS7.6 earthquake in Taiwan can trigger the Fuzhou ML 3.8 earthquake by dynamic stress. In addition, according to the dynamic Coulomb fracture stress field propagation diagram at different times after the 7.6 earthquake,it can be seen that the occurrence of the largest aftershock may be jointly triggered by the dynamic and static triggering of the Chi-Chi earthquake.