
山东省地震局,济南 250014


Rediscussion on the Correlation of Strong Earthquake Activities Between Japan and North China
ZHENG Jianchang,LI Dongmei,JI Dongpu,DAI Zonghui

Shandong Earthquake Agency , Jinan 250014, China

Historical earthquake;Episodic activity;Dynamic boundary;Correlation

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2022.04.02


A large number of studies suggest that there is a certain correlation between strong earthquakes in Japan and moderate-strong earthquakes in North China. This paper reviews the large earthquake activities in the subduction zone of the northwestern margin of the Pacific plate. On the basis of collecting historical data, combining with the tectonic background, the correlation between strong earthquake activities in Japan and North China is analyzed again. In the end, it is considered that there is no one-to-one correspondence between the earthquakes with M≥8 in Japan and the strong earthquakes of M6 in North China. There is a certain correspondence between the large earthquake activity period and the stable period in Japan and North China,and the strong release phase of the active period in North China is related to the activities of the two tectonic boundaries in the east and west. The aftershocks of the "311" M9.0 earthquake in Japan in 2011 has basically ended, and the background activity rhythm may have been restored in Japan. At present,North China may still be in the adjustment period at the end of the active period. In the next few years,there is still the possibility of entering the last active episode of the remaining release phase in North China.