
1.广东省地震局,广州 510075;2.山西省地震局,太原 030021


Consistency Analysis of Lunar Phase Modulation Properties of Strong Earthquakes in Chinese Mainland
CHEN Daqing1,SHAO Ye1,LIU Jin1,TAN Zhengguang1,LI Li2

1.Guangdong Earthquake Agency , Guangzhou 510075, China;2.Shanxi Earthquake Agency , Taiyuan 030021, China

Chinese mainland; Strong earthquakes; Modulation consistency; The spatial and temporal characteristics

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2022.03.08


Before a strong earthquake,the focal region is in an unstable state,and the tide-generating force may trigger the occurrence of small and medium earthquakes in the focal region, thus leading to the anomaly of the modulation ratio of small earthquakes. Using the lunar calendar to calculate the modulation Coefficients, the spatial and temporal characteristics of synodic modulation, the upper and lower chord modulation, and the non-modulated strong earthquakes are analyzed. the modulation properties of strong earthquakes in the Sichuan-Yunnan Boundary Region, the Arguin-West Kunlun region, and the Anhui-Jiangsu-South Yellow Sea region are highly consistent. And the modulation properties of some structural regions also have a certain consistency in some time periods. According to statistics, there have been 17 earthquakes with M≥7 in Chinese mainland since 1975, of which 8 earthquakes showed a consistent increase in the modulation properties of small and medium earthquakes around the epicenter three months before the earthquake. This phenomenon is of significance to the short-term and imminent prediction of strong earthquakes