
山东省地震局,济南 250014


Earthquake Historical Textual Research and Catalogue Revision of the Dongping Road Earthquake in March of the 7th year of“ Zhizheng ”of the Yuan Dynasty
DIAO Shouzhong

Shandong Earthquake Agency , Jinan 250014, China

Seismic historical data;Textual research;Catalogue revision;The Yuan dynasty

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2021.04.21



The paper collected historical data of a strong and felt earthquake that occurred in Dongping Road in March of the 7th year of “Zhizheng”(1347)of the Yuan dynasty. By comparing the historical data records of earthquakes and analyzing the evolution of administrative divisions in Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the reliable historical materials of Dongping Road earthquake are judged and clarified. This earthquake catalog was revised as the M4½earthquake in Dong'e County of Shandong Province (36.3°N, 116.2°E) in April 1347.
