
广东省地震局,广州 510070


Abnormal Analysis of Water Level in Xinyi Well of Guangdong Province
ZHONG Tianren,CHEN Daqing,LIU Jin,YAN Xing,WANG Xiaona,YU Gang

Guangdong Earthquake Agency , Guangzhou 510070, China

Water level;Abnormal;Interfere;Coseismic response;Regression analysis

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2021.04.09



In view of the abnormal change characteristics of water level of Xinyi well during mid-August 2018 with a rapid decline and then a turning rise, based on field anomaly verification and summary of previous earthquake cases, this paper establishes a multiple regression equation of the relationship between water level and rainfall, and comprehensively analyzes the cause of the well water level abnormality. It is preliminarily considered that there are multiple influencing factors for the sharp rise after the rapid decline of the water level. One is that the pumping and blasting of nearby construction sites may have caused the decline of water level,and the other is that the sharp rise of the water level is not only caused by rainfall, but also other interfering factors. The analysis process and method formed during the investigation of the abnormal changes of water level of Xinyi Well will help to distinguish such abnormal water level in the future.
