
(广东省地震局,广州 510070)


Accuracy Analysis of Baseline Value Observation at Zhaoqing Geomagnetic Station
LUO Yufen,WANG Jiange,LU Jinghui

(Guangdong Earthquake Agency,Guangdong 510320,China)

Geomagnetic station;Baseline value;Observation precision

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2021.03.20


The paper quantitatively analyzes the baseline value observation data produced by the two sets offluxgate theodolites MAG-01H(010B) and TDJ2(E) at Zhaoqing Geomagnetic Station in 2019. The resultsshow that the baseline values observed by the two sets of instruments have small systematic errors, high observation accuracy, and the same observation accuracy and consistent change trend; the baseline value of H component observed by TDJ2(E) is more affected by temperature than that of MAG-01H(010B); the Z component sensor of FGM 01 fluxgate magnetometer is more affected by temperature,H component is less affected by temperature,and D component basically not affected by temperature.