
(广西壮族自治区地震局,南宁 530022)


Development and Application of Seismic Mobile Observation in Guangxi
MOU Jianying,ZHANG Qing,XIANG Wei,FU heng

(Earthquake Agency of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,Nanning 530200,China)

Seismic measurement;Mobile monitoring;Emergency

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2021.03.19


After a large earthquake or a sensed earthquake occurs,the rapid organization of mobile monitoring ofthe earthquake site is an important part of earthquake monitoring and emergency response.The paper reviews thedevelopment history of Guangxi seismic mobile observation, and introduces the technical composition, management and evaluation, start-up and termination of Guangxi digital emergency seismic mobile station network, and finally, combine the actual situation to introduce the application of seismic mobile observation inGuangxi moderate and strong earthquakes, significant earthquake swarms, reservoir dense observation and scientific research projects.