
(浙江省地震局,杭州 310013)


Seismic Capacity Analysis of the Typical Masonry Building of Different Years in Jiaxing City
LU Jianbo

(Zhejiang Earthquake Agency,Hangzhou 310013,China)

Seismic capacity;Typical masonry building; Seismic capacity index;Earthquake damage factor

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2021.03.13


《中国地震动参数区划图》(GB18306-2015)实施后,嘉兴市区抗震设防烈度由六度变为七度,大量老旧房屋结构是否能够满足相应的抗震设防目标值得研究。选取了嘉兴市区 1980年代、 1990年代、 2000年代各一幢经过正规设计建造的典型砌体房屋,对三幢房屋进行了现场调查,获取结构相关参数,采用不同的方法对其抗震能力进行了分析。主要结论有:不同年代经过正规设计建造的三幢典型砌体结构,抗震能力差别显著; 80年代和 90年代砌体结构房屋,存在多方面抗震能力薄弱环节,不能满足“小震不坏,中震可修、大震不倒”的抗震设防目标; 2000年以后典型砌体房屋,构造措施完整,使用年限较短,总体分析,抗震能力较好。此研究工作为嘉兴市地震灾害风险评估、风险降低等工作提供基础依据。
After the implementation of“Seismic Ground Motion Parameters Zonation Map of China”(GB18306­2015), the seismic fortification intensity in Jiaxing urban area has changed from six degree to seven degree.Whether a large number of old building structures can meet the seismic fortification goals is worth studying. Thispaper selects a typical masonry building in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s in Jiaxing urban area that has been formally designed and constructed, conducts on-site investigations to obtain structural parameters, and uses different methods to evaluate their seismic capacity. The main conclusions are as follows:the seismic resistance of the three typical masonry buildings that have been formally designed and constructed in different years issignificantly different;the masonry buildings in the 1980s and 1990s have vulnerabilities in many aspects,which can't meet the seismic fortification goal of "small earthquakes are not bad,moderate earthquakes can be repaired,and large earthquakes can't fall; the typical masonry building in 2000 s has complete structural measures and short service life,and generally has good seismic resistance. The research work in this paper provides the basis forearthquake disaster risk assessment and risk reduction in Jiaxing City.