
(广东省国土资源测绘院,广州 515000)


A Method for Dynamic and Real-time Acquisition of Map Numbers
XIA Zhen,LIU Xiao,HE Zongyou

(Guangdong Province Surveying and Mapping Institute of Land and Resource,Guangzhou 510500,China)

Map numbers acquisition;Dynamic and real-time;Android

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2021.02.24



The map number of any place under the standard scale map is a common required basic technical parameter in survey. This paper discusses the method of real-time dynamic acquisition of coordinates of any point in the field in Android smart phone and accurately querying the map number in the national basic scale Series Map. The interface of implementation software is friendly,and it can be used conveniently and quickly anytime,anywhere,which can effectively reduce the workload of field workers and improve work efficiency.
