
(浙江省地震局,杭州 310013)


The Risk Analysis of Earthquakes Induced By Hengdu Reservoir in Zhejiang
CHEN Tao,YU Gangqun,YANG Fuping,LIU Xiliang,LI Min

(Zhejiang Earthquake Agency,Hangzhou 310031,China)

Hengdu Reservoir;Faults activity;The structural analogy method;The probabilistic prediction method;Maximum magnitude

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2021.02.13



Based on the research on the seismic tectonic background,reservoir affected area and fault activity in the Hengdu Reservoir area,the possibility of earthquake induced by Hengdu Reservoir is discussed and analyzed by the structural analogy method and the probabilistic prediction method. Finally,the possibility of the earthquake induced by Hengdu Reservoir and the maximum magnitude of the earthquake once it is induced are given,which provides a scientific basis for the possible occurrence of the earthquake induced by the reservoir after the completion of the reservoir.
