
(1. 福建省地震局, 福州 350003;2. 福建省永安地震台, 福建 永安 365000)


Analysis on the Main Influencing Factors of the Digital Water Level and Water Temperature of Yong'an Well
QIN Shuanglong1,LIU Shuilian1,ZHAO Wenbo2

(1. Fujian Earthquake Agency,Fuzhou 350003,China;2. Yong'an Seismic Station,Fujian Province,Yong'an 365000,China)

Yong'an;Water level;Water temperature;Rainfall;Pore pressure

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2021.02.08



By analyzing the water level and water temperature data of Yong'an well in Fujian province since the digital observation,it is believed that the main influencing factors of the water level are rainfall and discharge from upstream reservoir;the influence factors of water temperature are complex,mainly the influence of water level change,rainfall and flood discharge from upstream reservoir,but the mechanism of effect is different. The effect of the trend change of the water level on the water temperature is that as the water level rises or falls,it will cause the change of pore pressure in the aquifer,which will cause the change of the water temperature gradient. The effect of rainfall on water temperature is due to the infiltration of cold water. Under the same conditions,the ratio of low temperature water increases and the ratio of high temperature water decreases,which causes the water temperature to decrease. The impact of upstream flood discharge on water temperature is due to the increase in permeability in the downstream well bores,which leads to the change of water temperature gradient due to the rise of water level,thereby increasing water temperature.
