作者简介:郭金龙(1988−),男,博士,讲师,研究方向为结构数值模拟分析。E-mail: cvjlguo@fjjxu.edu.cn
DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2020.04.016
In this paper,the CSCM constitutive model is used to simulate the SHPB test of steel fiber shale ceramsite concrete,and the dynamic compressive strength is analyzed. Taking the content of steel fiber as the basic parameter and considering the influence of content of steel fiber,the formula for calculating the dynamic compressive strength of the material is established,and the strain rate effect in the existing CSCM constitutive model is modified to make it suitable for steel fiber shale ceramsite concrete. At the same time,the modified CSCM constitutive model is adopted by the finite element program LS-DYNA. The SHPB test of steel fiber shale ceramsite concrete is simulated and analyzed. The simulation results verify the rationality of the modified CSCM model. The dynamic compressive strength of steel fiber shale ceramsite concrete can be expressed as an expression related to the content of steel fiber,and increases with the increase of content when the strain rate is under 80/s. Compared with the CSCM model without considering the strain rate effect,the modified CSCM model considering the strain rate effect can simulate the dynamic compressive strength of steel fiber shale ceramsite concrete more accurately.