作者简介:张志亮(1983- ),男,高级工程师,主要从事铁路工程地质方面的工作。E-mail:25877548@qq.com.
DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2020.02.013
西秦岭北缘断裂带是青藏高原东北缘一条强烈活动的Ⅱ级块体边界断裂,曾发生过多次6.5级以上大震。规划中的西宁至成都铁路设计线路拟从甘家盆地一带穿行,西秦岭北缘断裂带西段的活动性及其端部终止位置,直接关系到铁路安全。基于甘家盆地一带的第四纪地质地貌与断裂活动性调查结果,对西秦岭北缘断裂带的西端活动性及其对铁路方案的影响进行了分析和讨论。结果 显示:西秦岭北缘断裂带西段发散为两条主要活动断层,均有全新世地表弱活动迹象;断裂西端终止于甘家盆地东缘一带,铁路设计方案在甘家盆地一带未直接穿经西秦岭北缘断裂带,未来遭遇突发位错的可能性不大,但需要考虑该断裂可能产生的地震动影响。
The western Qinling fault zone,one of boundary faults of one secondary active block located on the northeastern margin of the Tibet Plateau,actives strongly and occurred several earthquakes with M≥6.5 in history.The planned railway project from Xining to Chengdu run through Ganjia basin adjacent to the western Qinling fault zone,so the decision of the activity and west end of the fault zone have close relations to the planed railway project. Based on the field investigation on the Quaternary geology,geomorphology and faults activity around the Ganjia basin,this paper analyzed and discussed the activity of the west end of the fault zone and its influence on the railway project.The results suggest that the western segment of the western Qinling fault zone is divided into two branch active faults,and both of which show signs of weak Holocene surface activity. However, the west end of the fault zone terminates at the eastern margin of the Ganjia basin,and the planed railway lines does not traverse the fault zone directly in the area around the Ganjia basin.Therefore,for the railway project,it is less likely to encounter sudden offsets aroused by the western Qinling fault zone,and the seismic ground motion is the main effect to consider.