
(1.广东省地震局,广州 510070;2.大庆油田有限责任公司第六采油厂第四油矿地面工程组,黑龙江 大庆 163114;3.中山大学,广州 510275 ) 摘要:前兆水位观测中降雨影响的排除一直是困扰前兆流体观测的一个难题,在前人研究的基础上根据水位长时间断续升高和短时间单调升高两种情况统计了降雨参数与水位升高幅度的关系,分别建立了两种情况下降雨影响水位升高幅度的多元回归方程,从而为信宜井水位数据的日常分析提供了一种基于回归统计的定量排除降雨干扰的方法。回归分析结果显示:在苍梧地震前从2015年开始信


Regression Analysis of Water Level Affected by Rainfall in Xinyi Well of Guangdong Province
LIU Jin1, CHEN Daqing1, ZHAO Weiwei2 , ZHONG Tianren1 , YANG Xue3

(1.Guangdong Earthquake Agency,Guangzhou 510070,China;2. No. 6 Oil Production Plant,Daqing Oil Field Co, Daqing 163114,China;3. National Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510070,China)

Water level observation;Rainfall influence;Xinyi Well;Regression analysis

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2020.02.011



It is a difficult problem to eliminate the influence of rainfall in the observation of precursory water level. On the basis of previous studies,relationship between rainfall and water level under two conditions of long-time and short-time rising of statistical water level is calculated,and multiple regression equations for the influence of rainfall on the water level rise are established respectively,which provides a method for quantitatively eliminating rainfall interference based on regression statistics for daily analysis of Xinyi well water level data. Regression analysis results show that the water level in Xinyi well increased to a high level from 2015,before the Cangwu earthquake,and was low after the earthquake. This may be related to the adjustment of regional stress field before and after the earthquake.