
(中铁隧道局集团有限公司勘察设计研究院,广州 511458)


Numerical Analysis of Seismic Dynamic Response of Fractured Stick-slip Section of Tunnel Lining Structure
YAO Shilei

(Design and Research Institute of China Railway Tunnel Group,Guangzhou 511458,China)

Tunnel;Lining structure;Fracture stick-slip section;Seismic dynamic;Response numerical analysis

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2020.01.016



In order to solve the problem of poor stress response performance in traditional numerical analysis method of seismic dynamic response,a numerical analysis method of seismic dynamic response for the fracture stick-slip section of tunnel lining structure is proposed,and the corresponding numerical analysis of seismic dynamic response for the fracture stick-slip section of tunnel lining structure is carried out. The dynamic data in the simulation are collected by ICP acquisition system,and the influence of the fracture stick-slip section of tunnel lining structure under seismic wave is simulated by the dynamic vibration model of shaking table. According to the simulation results,the specific variation law of the peak acceleration of the ground motion in the fracture stick-slip section of tunnel lining structure and the peak acceleration of the ground motion in the fracture stick-slip section are obtained. In this paper,the numerical analysis model of seismic dynamic response for the fracture stick-slip section of tunnel lining structure is constructed,and the numerical analysis of seismic dynamic response for the fracture stick-slip section of tunnel lining structure is carried out. In order to prove that the method has better stress response performance, the traditional numerical analysis method of seismic dynamic response is compared with this method. The experimental results show that the numerical analysis method of seismic dynamic response of this method is more stable,that is, the stress response performance of this method is better than that of the traditional numerical analysis method of seismic dynamic response,and it is more suitable for the numerical analysis of seismic dynamic response of the fracture stick-slip section of tunnel lining structure.