
(陕西师范大学 地理科学与旅游学院,西安 710119)


Space-time Symmetry Characteristics and Tendency Judgement of Earthquakes with MS≥6.0 in the Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block
ZHANG Yufeng,YAN Junping,LI Shuangshuang,WAN Jia,WU Yaqun

(School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an 710119,China)

Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block;Commensurable method;Triplet method;Space-time symmetry;Tendency judgement

DOI: 10.13512/j.hndz.2020.01.002


川滇菱块是中国西南地震频发区,分析区域地震时空对称结构,进而对未来地震趋势进行判断具有重要的现实意义。选取1950年以来菱形块体MS≥6.0地震数据,运用重大自然灾害时空对称方法,对区域地震时间周期性和空间对称性进行研究,并从太阳黑子、地球自转等发震物理基础精细探讨。结果 表明:① 在地震趋势判断上,2020年川滇菱块MS≥6.0地震可公度信号最强,随机性概率为66.7%,有可能发生较大震级地震;②在时空对称性规律上,川滇菱块MS≥6.0地震具有时间周期性和空间对称性,按震中两两分布的对称性和震中三角形旋转规律,未来一次发生在金沙江断裂带或丽江—小金河断裂带可能性较大;③在相关物理基础上,川滇菱块MS≥6.0地震多发生在太阳黑子峰值或谷值期,上升或下降段发生频率相对较少;同时,川滇菱块MS≥6.0地震多发生在地球自转加速期。可以判断未来3~5年,太阳活动仍处于活跃期,地球自转也处于加速期,两者与川滇菱块MS≥6.0地震发生的对应关系,可在一定程度佐证重大自然灾害时空对称方法判断2020年、2019年地震发生的可靠性。

The Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block, located in the southwestern of China,is not only a tectonic unit with the strong earthquake activity,but also shows obvious spatial structure of seismic migration. Meanwhile,the symmetry and tendency methods are proposed to identify the spatial-temporal symmetry characteristics of natural disasters and analyze the rationality and physical basis of the seismic symmetrical structure. Thus,based on the seismic data(MS≥6.0)of Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block since 1950,the spatiotemporal symmetry and tendency of the earthquake are analyzed by the theories and methods of spatiotemporal symmetry in nature disaster(i.e. commensurability information extraction,map of butterfly structure and seismic migration). More specially,the possibility of earthquake occurrence are discussed from both sunspot and earth rotation to reveal its occurrence regularity at some certain extent. The results show that:the earthquake(MS≥6.0)in the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block would possible occur in 2020,and the probability of randomness is 66.7%;as for the spatial symmetry information,the earthquakes(MS≥6.0)in the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block show temporal periodicity and spatial symmetry,according to the symmetry of epicentral distribution and regularity of epicentral triangular rotation,the next earthquake region could be likely in Jinshajiang fault zone or Lijiang-Xiaojinhe fault zone;as for the physical basis of symmetrical structure,the paper finds that when the conversion stage between peak and valley of sunspots,as well as the acceleration of earth rotation, the earthquake frequency with MS≥6.0 increases in the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block,which would provide some supplementary proofs to explain the possibility of earthquakes in 2020 and 2019.