[1]余 炜,高品红,郑兴民.不同降雨条件下花岗岩残积土边坡稳定性研究[J].华南地震,2024,(03):109-118.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2024.03.12]
YU Wei,GAO Pinhong,ZHENG Xingmin.Stability of Granite Residual Soil Slopes Under Different Rainfall Conditions[J].,2024,(03):109-118.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2024.03.12]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Stability of Granite Residual Soil Slopes Under Different Rainfall Conditions
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
余 炜1; 高品红1; 郑兴民2
1.浙江华东岩土勘察设计研究院有限公司,杭州 310030;2.上海大学 力学与工程科学学院,上海 200444
- Author(s):
YU Wei1; GAO Pinhong1; ZHENG Xingmin2
1.Zhejiang Huadong Geotechnical Investigation and Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310030,China;2.School of Mechanics and Engineering Science , Shanghai University , Shanghai 200444, China
- 关键词:
边坡; 稳定性; 降雨强度; 降雨时长; 安全系数
- Keywords:
Slope; Stability; Rainfall intensity; Rainfall duration; Safety factor
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Rainfall-induced slope landslide is the most common geological disaster in the world. In order to reduce the occurrence of related disasters, taking a slope in Canglan County as a case study, and a three-dimensional slope calculation model coupling stress-seepage-deformity was established using Flac 3D software. The changes in slope soil saturation,horizontal displacement of slopes,and plastic zone,as well as the time-varying law of slope safety factor under different rainfall intensities and duration,were analyzed. The results show that with the increase in rainfall duration,the saturation of the slope surface develops from the middle to the bottom,gradually reaching saturation;under heavy rainfall conditions,the maximum horizontal displacement of the middle and lower parts of the slope reaches 2.51 cm; under long-term rainfall conditions, the failure mode of the slope gradually changes from tensile failure to shear failure;under heavy rainfall conditions,the slope safety factor decreases the fastest, reaching 1.189 after 24 hours,which is lower than the standard value,resulting in slope instability. The research results provide references for the research on the stability of granite residual soil slopes under similar rainfall conditions.
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