MAO Weiying.Analysis of the Dynamic Differennce of Coseismic Response of Water Level Between Kaiyuan Well and Simao Dazhai Well in Yunnan[J].,2023,(04):48-56.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2023.04.07]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Analysis of the Dynamic Differennce of Coseismic Response of Water Level Between Kaiyuan Well and Simao Dazhai Well in Yunnan
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
云南省地震局,昆明 650224
- Author(s):
MAO Weiying
Yunnan Earthquake Agency , Kunming 650224, China
- 关键词:
开远井和思茅大寨井; 同震响应动态; 应力应变环境
- Keywords:
Kaiyuan well and Simao Dazhai well; Coseismic response dynamic; Stress-strain field.
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The Kaiyuan well and Simao Dazhai well are located in the Southeastern Yunnan folded belt and Lanping-Simao folded belt in Southwestern Yunnan. In the Southeastern Yunnan folded belt,the crust basement is stable, the seismicity is weak, and the direction of regional tectonic stress field is SEE. The tectonic activity of Lanping-Simao folded belt has been very strong in geological era, with multiple earthquakes of magnitude 6 occurring frequently in history and the direction of regional tectonic stress field is southeast. Through the analysis of water level observation data, it is found that both Kaiyuan well and Simao Dazhai well have obvious coseismic response phenomenon, and both coseismic responses show step changes with obvious dynamic differences. The frequency and amplitude of coseismic step changes of Kaiyuan well is obviously lower than that of Simao Dazhai well. Most of the coseismic response of Kaiyuan well are step drop, and all of the coseismic response of Simao Dazhai Well are step rise. The difference of stress-strain environment in the area where the wells are located is the reason for the dynamic difference of coseismic response of well water level. Focal mechanism and GPS observation results show that the tectonic stresses in the areas where Simao Dazhai well and Kaiyuan well are located are compression and tension respectively. During the earthquake, the seismic wave caused the pore squeezing of the aquifer in the Simao Dazhai well, which has been in the squeezing state, and the aquifer was coseismic contracted, resulting in a consistent step rise of the well water level. The earthquake caused the coseismic expansion of the aquifer in the Kaiyuan well, which has been in a tensile stress environment, resulting in a step drop of the well water level. The intensity difference of tectonic stress reflected by the level of tectonic activity and seismic activity may be one of the reasons for the difference in the frequency and amplitude of coseismic step changes between Kaiyuan well and Simao Dazhai well.
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