QIN Shuanglong,HONG Xuyu,HONG Mingquan.Hydrochemistry and Radon Reflection Characteristics of Tainei HotSpring Water in Hua'an and Prediction Efficiency Test and Evaluation[J].,2022,(02):25-32.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2022.02.04]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Hydrochemistry and Radon Reflection Characteristics of Tainei HotSpring Water in Hua'an and Prediction Efficiency Test and Evaluation
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
秦双龙; 洪旭瑜; 洪明泉
福建省地震局,福州 350003
- Author(s):
QIN Shuanglong; HONG Xuyu; HONG Mingquan
Fujian Earthquake Agency , Fuzhou 35003, China
- 关键词:
温泉水氡; 水文地球化学特征; Molchan图表法; 台湾强震
- Keywords:
Radon in hot spring water; Hydrogeochemical characteristics; Molchan chart method; Taiwan strong earthquake; Earthquake situation tracking
- 分类号:
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Based on the analysis of hydrogeochemical characteristics of theTainei hot spring in Hua'an, Fujian Province, taking the radon observation data of the hot spring since 1987 as the research object, this paper analyzes its variation patterns and influencing factors, studies the abnormal variation characteristics of water radon combining with the multiple strong earthquakes with M≥7.0 in Taiwan during the period, and uses the Molchan chart method to test and evaluate its prediction efficiency. The results show that:the hydrochemical type of Hua'an hot spring is HCO3?SO4 - Na, indicating that it has experienced a long recharge path and has certain deep water information; radon in Hua'an hot spring water shows an annual variation of high in summer and low in winter, which is positively correlated with the observed water level and temperature;before several strong earthquakes with M≥7.0 in Taiwan, the radon in Hua'an hot spring water shows an obvious trend of high value anomaly, and earthquakes mostly occur at the end or turning point of high value anomaly of radon in water; the test results of Molchan chart method show that the radon anomaly in Hua'an hot spring water has a good correlation with strong earthquakes with the M≥7.0 in Taiwan,and the earthquakes mainly occurs within 180 days after the occurrence of the anomaly, mainly characterized by medium and short-term anomalies. Through the analysis and evaluation of the abnormal characteristics and prediction efficiency of radon in the hot spring water, it is conducive to the monitoring and tracking analysis of the earthquake situation in and around the area.
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