[1]郭雨帆,罗 丽,查小惠,等.运用尾波干涉技术监测2005年江西九江—瑞昌MS5.7地震后地壳介质变化[J].华南地震,2022,(02):1-9.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2022.02.01]
GUO Yufan,LUO Li,ZHA Xiaohui,et al.Monitoring Variations of Crustal Media after the Jiujiang-Ruichang MS5.7 Earthquake in Jiangxi Province in 2005 by Coda Wave Interferometry[J].,2022,(02):1-9.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2022.02.01]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Monitoring Variations of Crustal Media after the Jiujiang-Ruichang MS5.7 Earthquake in Jiangxi Province in 2005 by Coda Wave Interferometry
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
郭雨帆; 罗 丽; 查小惠; 董非非; 吕 坚; 汤兰荣
江西省地震局,南昌 330039
- Author(s):
GUO Yufan; LUO Li; ZHA Xiaohui; DONG Feifei; LYU Jian; TANG Lanrong
Jiangxi Earthquake Agency , Nanchang 330039, China
- 关键词:
九江—瑞昌5.7级地震; 重复地震; 尾波干涉法; 地壳介质变化
- Keywords:
Jiujiang-Ruichang MS5.7 earthquake; Repeated earthquakes; Coda wave interferometry; Variations of crustal media
- 分类号:
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- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Based on the event waveform data and its observation report of the Jiujiang-Ruichang MS5.7 earthquake sequence in Jiangxi in 2005,by using the double-difference method,waveform cross-correlation and coda wave interferometry, two groups of repeated earthquakes(cc≥0.940,recorded by Fanzhen station and Jiujiang station) can be obtained: D1(2005-11-29 09: 13 ML2.0 and 2005-12-02 04: 54 ML1.9)and D2(2005-12-02 23: 49 ML2.2, 2005-12-06 16:58 ML1.7 and 2006-03-24 06:24 ML2.4). It is found that the velocity of early coda wave of S wave increases in the early short period(from 2005-11-29 to 2005-12-02)after the MS5.7 earthquake and decreases within a few months after the MS 5.7 earthquake(2005-12-02-2006-03-24)
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- 备注/Memo:
作者简介:郭雨帆(1992-),女,工程师,现主要从事地震监测预报方面工作与研究。E-mail: guoyufan_ouc@126.com
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