[1]郑 旭,周少辉.马尼拉海沟俯冲带板缘地震特征及衰减关系研究[J].华南地震,2022,(01):86-96.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2022.01.12]
ZHENG Xu,ZHOU Shaohui.Study on the Characteristics and Attenuation Relationship of Plate Margin Earthquakes in the Subduction Zone of Manila Trench[J].,2022,(01):86-96.[doi:10.13512/j.hndz.2022.01.12]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Study on the Characteristics and Attenuation Relationship of Plate Margin Earthquakes in the Subduction Zone of Manila Trench
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
郑 旭1; 2; 周少辉1
1.山东省地震工程研究院,济南 250021;2.山东省地震局,济南 250014
- Author(s):
ZHENG Xu1; 2; ZHOU Shaohui1
1.Shandong Institute of Earthquake Engineering , Jinan 250021, China;2.Shandong Earthquake Agency , Jinan 250014, China
- 关键词:
马尼拉海沟; 俯冲带; 板缘地震; 衰减关系
- Keywords:
Manila Trench; Sbduction zone; Plate margin earthquake; Attenuation relationship
- 分类号:
- DOI:
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- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Subduction zone usually has complex geological structure and frequent seismic events which is located in the junction of the land plate and the ocean plate or ocean plates. Manila Trench subduction zone is crucial to the implementation of China’s marine strategy and offshore engineering in the South China Sea. In the absence of actual seismic data, in order to analyze the characteristics of ground motion and its attenuation relationship in Manila trench subduction zone,stochastic finite fault model is used to simulate the ground motion in this subduction zone, and analyzes the characteristics of ground motion acceleration time history and response spectrum. At the same time, based on the simulation data and derivative method, the attenuation relationship of ground motion at the plate edge of Manila trench subduction zone is established. The results show that the difference between the simulation method of attenuation relationship and the derivative method for peak acceleration(PGA)and short-period response spectrum(Sa)is small, which can be applied, and derivative method is more accurate for long period than simulative ones. The attenuation relationship of slab-subduction ground motion in subduction zone established in this paper can provide an important basis for offshore engineering construction in the South China Sea.
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